DeepL Write: New And Free AI Writing Tool

DeepL Write - New AI writing tool
Available in English and German, the tool empowers everyone to communicate more efficiently, from international teams drafting emails and presentations for clients to students writing their dissertations and more.

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Press release by DeepL

DeepL launching a beta version of their new AI writing tool – DeepL Write

DeepL, a German AI communication company, announced the launch of the beta version of DeepL Write. This is an AI writing companion that will help users perfect their writing and express themselves with clarity and precision.

The tool helps users of all language proficiency levels, from beginners to native speakers. Available in English and German, the tool empowers everyone to communicate more efficiently, from international teams drafting emails and presentations for clients to students writing their dissertations and more.

How does it work?

Similar to DeepL’s flagship product, DeepL Translator, Write utilizes sophisticated neural network technology that is highly adept at understanding nuance and context in language.

This tool provides users with suggestions on phrasing, tone, style, and word choice, all while correcting grammatical mistakes. By allowing users options, AI-generated alternatives make writing more efficient. This means users can choose the most natural and authentic option for them, without needing to rephrase the sentence themselves.

“Our brains are pretty good at passively understanding when language feels right, but our active understanding isn’t quite as strong. We often have a hard time finding the right words in a foreign language or even in our own native language,” says DeepL CEO Dr Jaroslaw Kutylowski. “This is where DeepL Write can help—it goes beyond simple corrections and serves as a place to get ideas and inspiration for fine-tuning your writing.”

User feedback inspired the company to develop Write. Many users were already trying to hone their writing via DeepL Translator—using it to translate texts back and forth between the source and target language to fine-tune written communication. So the launch of the new tool comes as a natural next step in the evolution of DeepL.

DeepL recently secured a new round of funding. That has given them additional support and resources to invest in research, product offerings, new talent, and strengthening current operations.

DeepL Write is available free of charge in English and German at on desktop browsers. The tool is currently in its beta phase. And the AI is continuously being trained to ensure accuracy and seamless communication.

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